Easter Breads, Ranked

Since I love hot cross buns so much, and they’re only a once-a-year bake, I thought it’d be fun to take the spirit of them with me into April. And since Pentecost is today, May 19, I had over a month to (almost) exclusively make Easter treats from around the world. Here’s how it went,Continue reading “Easter Breads, Ranked”

Welcoming Spring with Food

Tim and I spent a lot of time in the kitchen this month. See what we made!

Hi Again!

I’ve been taking an unannounced and unplanned hiatus from the blog. I’d been feeling overwhelmed (and discouraged) by how I’d been living daily life, and the blog had become an obligation that hung over my head rather than the joy it used to be. So, I let it go for a while. And it’s been good. Now I feel ready to be back.