Bake Off Binge (part 2/2)

We bought ourselves one month of Netflix for Christmas. First order of business: catch up on The Great British Bake Off!

Did someone say kilts?

We finally made it to Scotland!! Tim and I had considered it as a honeymoon destination, too, but COVID regulations made it impossible. So it was just a blessing to be able to spend a week across the Irish Sea.

Éclairs Minus the Elegance

It’s pâtisserie week! This one is always a favourite, just behind bread week. I’m always impressed by what the bakers come up with, from flavors to textures to presentation, not to mention that French bakes are notoriously hard.

Tarts by the Sea

When you like to bake and cook with your fiancé, Valentine’s is no longer just a day but a weekend event. We began Friday night and carried it through dinner on Saturday.