Libraries are Lungs

I just finished The Paris Library, and it was an absolute delight. It was a novel built on my favorite things: character development and a love for books. The story follows a young woman, Odile, through WWII during the Nazi occupation of Paris; this narrative is the bulk of the novel, but it appears alongside the coming of age story of Lily, a girl from small town, middle of nowhere Montana. 

You Can’t Take the Sky From Me

My latest read, the second collection of Firefly comics, has been a fun read. My dad introduced me to Firefly in middle school, and it’s carried a place in my heart ever since. So reading these comics was stepping back into a world I haven’t visited in quite a while, and it felt sort of like coming home.

The Hopes of Heaven

I don’t go in for fairy tales. Not sure why; they’ve just never really interested me. Disney fan? Can’t say I am. But when I saw J.K. Rowling had a new book out, I was interested.

2021. Wow.

2021. That feels like a breath of fresh air. Almost. There are a lot of unknowns on the horizon, and I’ve gotta say that makes me nervous.

The Real Important Business

Kringle by Tony Abbott is, and I’m not even exaggerating here, the BEST book ever. I’ve read it 14 times (that’s over half my life).