2021. Wow.


That feels like a breath of fresh air. Almost. There are a lot of unknowns on the horizon, and I’ve gotta say that makes me nervous. 

incunabula (n) [in-kyoo-nab-yuh-luh]: the earliest stages or first traces of anything

But that also doesn’t mean 2020 was all bad. Yeah, COVID threw a wrench in things and brought with it a lot of less-than-ideal situations. But, after some reflection, I realized because of the virus, Tim and I got to spend almost a whole year together. I was only away at college for a month and a half before I was sent home. We then finished our semesters in a shared workspace, helping each other with essays and motivation. Almost a whole year, that’s the most time we’ve spent together since we started dating two and a half years ago, and I’m SUPER grateful for it. 😊

So, what does the new year bring? I’m not much of a “resolutions” person, but I’ll be doing my best to look for the positives, the joy in every day. Right now, I’m looking forward to a couple of things:

  1. I got a raise at work! 
  2. Continuing to write, both creatively and as a freelancer (need any jobs done? Send ‘em my way!)
  3. Working my way through the stack of books I got for Christmas
  4. Trying out any number of new recipes on my Pinterest board 
  5. Traveling (I’ve got my eye on Europe again…)
  6. Oh, yeah! And my wedding! Looking forward to life with Tim ❤️

A year in review (left to right): Jenna bought me my first bubble tea, and I’ve never been the same; I got a job making donuts at the end of May; Tim and I went camping with some friends in June; I went to Ocean Isle, NC with Tim’s family in July, soon after our engagement; Tim and I went to the pumpkin patch during our first full Fall together; these entremets are my proudest bake of the year; I had a wonderful Christmas season with those I love most.