A Highland Guide

Though Edinburgh was cool in its own right, we really made the trip to Scotland for a journey into the Highlands. Hiking and history all in one place!

Did someone say kilts?

We finally made it to Scotland!! Tim and I had considered it as a honeymoon destination, too, but COVID regulations made it impossible. So it was just a blessing to be able to spend a week across the Irish Sea.

For what do you hunger?

The heatwave wasn’t as extreme in NI, and temps in Armagh only ever rose to about 28ºC. There was also a constant breeze, so it never felt as hot as the thermometer indicated. I saw the heatwaves as an opportunity: a chance to read outside and deepen my tan!

Belle of Belfast City

August 22-24, Tim and I went to Belfast; though, if I’m being honest, the amount of time we spent in the city was limited.