Bakes for Breakfast

It’s been a bit since I’ve photographed my baking with the intention of blogging about it. It’s nice to feel called to the blog out of a desire to write rather than by a self-imposed obligation. Anyway. I’ve been using breakfast and baked goods to motivate myself in the mornings, and it’s working like a charm. 

blasé (adj): unimpressed with or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before

Scones, again? I know, I know… But, I dug some pumpkin puree out of the freezer (from way back when), toasted some Georgian pecans, and got to baking. Spiced with ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves, these scones, paired with a hot cup of tea, were just the ticket for warming up on a chilly morning. Topped with maple glaze and chopped pecans, they were an indulgent treat that pushed me into action.

When the scones ran out, Tim and I rose a batch of these challah chocolate chip buns. Slightly chewy and best when warm, they got me writing – even if I didn’t work quickly because I had chocolate on my fingers… And I’ve got to say, that golden shine 😍 I used two coats of egg wash – maybe I should do that for everything! 😄

This pic is from the first time I baked this recipe – a post-literature thesis celebration! I also included the recipe in this article, a celebration of St. Honoré, the patron saint of bakers.

Next up: Earl Grey and lavender scones, hot cross buns, muffins (of an indeterminate flavor), and maybe more of those chocolate chip buns…